
Dallas Broker Fraud Attorneys

Committed To Representing Investors Throughout Texas Since 1990

For more than 30 years, our savvy Dallas Broker Fraud Attorneys have zealously worked with retail investors, retirees, elderly investors, high-net-worth investors, and institutional investors in pursuing damages against their financial advisors whose misconduct or negligence caused them to suffer significant investment losses. This often has meant fighting for our clients in arbitration, mediation, and litigation.

If you are a Texas investor who would like to help determine whether your portfolio losses may be grounds for a broker fraud lawsuit, contact the team of Dallas Broker Fraud Attorneys at Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( today to request your free, no-obligation case consultation.

Are You The Victim of Broker Misconduct?

It is important to know that not all investment losses are due to the wrongful or careless actions of a financial advisor. This is why you need a seasoned Dallas stockbroker negligence law firm that knows how to evaluate what happened.

However, there are many instances in which investors do lose money because their broker either engaged in some kind of misconduct or neglected to take certain necessary actions, such as failing to conduct the proper due diligence to make sure an investment was not part of a scam. Proving liability, let alone getting a brokerage firm to pay you damages for the losses they are responsible for, can be tough. This is not the kind of investor fraud lawsuit you want to pursue without solid legal representation by your side.

Examples of Common Kinds of Stockbroker Fraud That Can Lead To Serious Investor Losses

What Happens If You Do Have Grounds for A Texas Broker Fraud Lawsuit? 

Sometimes broker fraud happens because a financial advisor indeed sought to steal from investors. More often, it is because of some kind of misconduct or carelessness. Even if the brokerage firm was unaware of what was going on, if you lost money as a result, you still may be able to sue for damages.

Should we agree to work together, we will thoroughly investigate the cause of your losses and how the actions, or lack thereof, of your brokerage firm, may have played a part. We will file your broker fraud lawsuit and zealously represent your case.

Why Hire Our Skilled Dallas Broker Fraud Law Firm? 

When you retain the services of Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas, know that you will have all of our Texas securities lawyers, legal assistants, and consultants fighting for you. You will receive personalized, quality securities representation from a law firm that is dedicated exclusively to representing investors.

With over a combined century’s worth of experience in securities litigation and securities law, you will be working with some of the most seasoned broker fraud attorneys in the United States. Over the years, we’ve gone up against even the biggest Wall Street firms to collectively recover many millions of dollars for thousands of clients.

As former brokers ourselves—we left that business because of so many of the unscrupulous practices we witnessed—we now harness that “ex-insider” knowledge to fight for investors. More than 90% of our clients have received full or partial financial recovery with our help.

Representing Oil and Gas Investors Against Brokerage Firms 

As the largest producer of oil and gas in the United States, Texas is a state where energy investments abound. Oil and gas investments can be risky and unsuitable for most inexperienced investors and retirees. If you suffered oil and gas losses and it was your broker who unsuitably marketed this alternative investment, perhaps even downplaying the risks, you may be able to file a broker fraud lawsuit.

How To Contact Our Dallas Broker Fraud Attorneys Office:

Call the SSEK team of Dallas Broker Fraud Attorneys at (214) 613-5306 or (800) 259-9010 or contact us online.

Founders Square
900 Jackson St #440-A
Dallas, TX 75202

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