Articles Tagged with RBC Capital Markets

RBC Capital Markets Settlement With FINRA Includes a Fine and Restitution 

RBC Capital Markets has reached an agreement with FINRA in which the broker-dealer will pay $1M to resolve allegations of overconcentration in customers’ accounts involving high-yield bonds. Without denying or admitting to the self-regulatory organization’s (SRO’s) findings, RBC consented to a censure, a $550K fine, and more than $456K in restitution. 

According to FINRA, the brokerage firm did not identify over 100 client accounts with conservative profiles that should have been reviewed for a possible unsuitable concentration of high-yield bonds. 

New York Investment Advisor Has Several Customer Disputes on His BrokerCheck Record 

Brian Wurdemann, an RBC Capital Markets registered representative, is named in a still-pending customer dispute in which the customer is seeking $1M in damages. The claimant contends that Wurdemann misrepresented three mutual funds, first while he was a UBS broker up through when he went to work at RBC Capital Markets.  

This is one of several customer disputes involving Wurdemann, including one from 2004 that appears to still be pending. 

Connecticut Investment Advisor is Also Part of RBC Team Chu, Philipps, and Associates  

Joseph Ijong Chu, an RBC Capital Markets stockbroker, has been named in a number of customer disputes this year. Chu is also a registered investment advisor with the broker-dealer. He is part of the RBC  team known as Chu, Phillips, and Associates, which offers products and services through City National Bank in Stamford, Connecticut. 

Chu’s customers are blaming him for the investment losses they suffered when he allegedly overconcentrated their accounts in risky oil and gas investments that were unsuitable for them. 

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority has barred three more former brokers in the wake of fraud allegations against them. Two of them were based in Texas. They are:

The Financial Industry Regulatory has barred a broker who worked at Merrill Lynch for almost half a century from the securities industry. Louise J. Neale left the broker-dealer and voluntarily ended her registration with the firm last year during an internal probe about her supervisory performance involving fund transactions. She later refused to testify about her resignation before FINRA. This is a violation of the self-regulatory organization’s rules and was immediate grounds for the industry bar. Although Neale worked at Merrill since 1968, it wasn’t until 2003 that she became a registered representative and later a supervisor.

In an unrelated case, FINRA barred another ex-broker for violating firm policies after he, too, refused to testify about the allegations in front of the SRO. John Simpson worked at RBC Capital Markets from 3/2009 to 2/2016. He was let go by the firm for violating its policies about discretion related to client accounts.

Meantime, FINRA has barred two ex-JP Morgan (JPM) brokers. One of the brokers, Brian Alexander Torres, had only been in the securities industry for two months when he was fired by the broker-dealer. Torres admitted that he misappropriated funds from the firm’s affiliate bank. Finra asked Torres for information and documents, but he would not provide them nor would he testify.

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David Hobson, an ex-Oppenheimer & Co (OPY) investment adviser, has pleaded guilty to the criminal charges of securities fraud and conspiracy to commit securities fraud. The 47-year-old Rhode Island broker admitted that he engaged in insider trading using information given to him by investment client Michael Maciocio in order to make illegal profits. Maciocio has already pleaded guilty to the charges in the insider trading case against him.
According to Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, between 5/2008 to 4/2014 Hobson and Maciocio sought to trade on insider information regarding acquisitions that a particular pharmaceutical company was considering.  Although Bharara’s release doesn’t name the company, Law360 identified the company as Pfizer Inc. Bharara said that Maciocio, who was master planner in Pfizer’s active pharmaceutical ingredient supply chain group, would find out about the upcoming acquisitions and tip Hobson.
Bharara’s statement said that even though Maciocio was not given access to the acquisitions that the pharmaceutical company was targeting, he would use the code name of the acquisition, the drug indication, the dose, the clinical trial phase, and/or the drug’s chemical structure to find out the name of the company that Pfizer was considering acquiring. Maciocio would trade based on this information and share the information with Hobson. The two men have been friends since childhood.

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